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/ Magnum One / Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso / d3 / qedit139.arc / QKEY.DEF < prev    next >
Text File  |  1988-01-18  |  5KB  |  206 lines

  1. *
  2. * This is the default configuration for QEDIT.
  3. * Note that blank lines and lines starting with a comment are ignored.
  4. *
  5. ^BackSpace               DeleteLeftWord
  6. ^A                       WordLeft
  8. *
  9. * Start of a TwoKey block - These aren't really all that hard, just
  10. * remember to:
  11. * -The key that you want to be the leadin key must be given the command,
  12. *  'TwoKey' (as below for ^B)
  13. * -The number of TwoKey commands associated with this leadin key MUST
  14. *  appear on the next line by itself.
  15. * -List the keys/commands in the regular manner.
  16. *
  17. *
  18. * Secondary keys other than 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9' are NOT valid and will lead
  19. * to unpredictable results.
  20. *
  21. *
  22. ^B                       TwoKey
  23. 5
  24. A                        AppendScrBuff
  25. L                        loadScrBuff
  26. S                        StoreScrBuff
  27. T                        ToggleDefaultScratch
  28. Z                        ZapScrBuff
  29. *
  30. * back to single key mode again
  31. *
  32. ^C                       PgDn
  33. ^D                       CursorRight
  34. ^E                       CursorUp
  35. ^F                       WordRight
  36. ^G                       DeleteChar
  37. *
  38. * ^H is the same as the BACKSPACE key
  39. *
  40. ^H                       BackSpace
  41. *
  42. * ^I is the same as the TAB key
  43. *
  44. ^I                       TabRight
  45. ^J                       JumpToLine
  47. ^K                       TwoKey
  48. 12
  49. D                        Exit
  50. E                        EditFile
  51. F                        FileidChange
  52. N                        NextFile
  53. P                        PrevFile
  54. Q                        PQuitToSystem
  55. R                        ReadFile
  56. S                        SaveFile
  57. T                        SetTabWidth
  58. W                        WriteBlock
  59. X                        FileToSystem
  60. Z                        KillFile
  62. ^L                       RepLastFindOrRepl
  63. *
  64. * ^M is the same as the RETURN key
  65. *
  66. ^M                       Return
  67. ^N                       SplitLine
  69. ^O                       TwoKey
  70. 6
  71. N                        NextWindow
  72. P                        PrevWindow
  73. R                        SetRMargin
  74. S                        SplitScreen
  75. W                        ToggleWordWrap
  76. 1                        OneWindow
  78. ^P                       TwoKey
  79. 5
  80. A                        PrintAll
  81. B                        PrintBlock
  82. E                        PrintEject
  83. M                        SetPrintLeftMargin
  84. P                        SetPrintPageSize
  86. ^Q                       TwoKey
  87. 7
  88. A                        Replace
  89. F                        Find
  90. I                        ToggleAutoIndent
  91. L                        UnDoCursorLine
  92. O                        TabsOut
  93. T                        ToggleTabsExpand
  94. Y                        DeleteToEOL
  96. ^R                       PgUp
  97. ^S                       CursorLeft
  98. ^T                       DeleteRightWord
  99. ^U                       SeparatorLineUp
  100. ^V                       ToggleIns
  101. ^W                       ScrollUp
  102. ^X                       CursorDown
  103. ^Y                       DeleteLine
  104. ^Z                       ScrollDown
  105. Esc                      Escape
  106. ^\                       SeparatorLineDown
  107. ^]
  108. ^6
  109. ^-                       GetPrev
  110. ^2
  111. Shift-Tab                TabLeft
  112. Alt-Q                    Exit
  113. Alt-W                    WriteBlock
  114. Alt-E                    EditFile
  115. Alt-R                    readfile
  116. Alt-T                    Tur
  117. Alt-Y
  118. Alt-U                    UnMarkBlock
  119. Alt-I
  120. Alt-O
  121. Alt-P
  122. Alt-A                    Align
  123. Alt-S
  124. Alt-D                    DeleteLine
  125. Alt-F
  126. Alt-G                    GroupDelete
  127. Alt-H
  128. Alt-J                    JoinLine
  129. Alt-K
  130. Alt-L                    MarkLine
  131. Alt-Z
  132. Alt-X                    GExit
  133. Alt-C                    CopyBlock
  134. Alt-V
  135. Alt-B
  136. Alt-N                    NextFile
  137. Alt-M                    MoveBlock
  138. F1
  139. F2                       AddLine
  140. F3                       PQuitToMain
  141. F4                       DupLine
  142. F5                       MakeTopOfScreen
  143. F6                       DeleteToEOL
  144. F7
  145. F8
  146. F9                       Shell
  147. F10
  148. Home                     FirstOfLine
  149. UpArrow                  CursorUp
  150. PgUp                     PgUp
  151. LeftArrow                CursorLeft
  152. RightArrow               CursorRight
  153. End                      EndOfLine
  154. DownArrow                CursorDown
  155. PgDn                     PgDn
  156. Ins                      ToggleIns
  157. Del                      DeleteChar
  158. Shift-F1                 BxToggle
  159. Shift-F2                 BxTypeToggle
  160. Shift-F3
  161. Shift-F4
  162. Shift-F5
  163. Shift-F6
  164. Shift-F7                 ShiftLeft
  165. Shift-F8                 ShiftRight
  166. Shift-F9
  167. Shift-F10
  168. ^F1
  169. ^F2
  170. ^F3
  171. ^F4
  172. ^F5
  173. ^F6                     MakeCtrOfScreen
  174. ^F7
  175. ^F8
  176. ^F9
  177. ^F10
  178. Alt-F1
  179. Alt-F2                  InsertLine
  180. Alt-F3                  InsertDaTime
  181. Alt-F4
  182. Alt-F5                  ScrollLeft
  183. Alt-F6                  ScrollRight
  184. Alt-F7
  185. Alt-F8
  186. Alt-F9
  187. Alt-F10                 GFile
  188. ^LeftArrow              WordLeft
  189. ^RightArrow             WordRight
  190. ^End                    BottomOfScreen
  191. ^PgDn                   BottomOfFile
  192. ^Home                   TopOfScreen
  193. Alt-1
  194. Alt-2
  195. Alt-3
  196. Alt-4
  197. Alt-5
  198. Alt-6
  199. Alt-7
  200. Alt-8
  201. Alt-9
  202. Alt-0
  203. Alt--
  204. Alt-=
  205. ^PgUp                   TopOfFile